Monday, November 5, 2007

Totally pwned by The Decemberists!!!1!

We were up in New York last week to see The Decemberists'ses's'ss show at Terminal 5. It got canceled the day of the show. We would have been second in line and right at the front too! It was so disappointing. This would have been the first time seeing the band for both of us. We missed them earlier this year when they did an outdoor symphony show in Philadelphia.

Colin Melloy To Faith and Onil: FACE!!!

I feel bad that their new tour is cancelled due to an illness but still I just wanna go Wah Wah Wah! :( Iz sad now. Hell, even that blonde girl from Friday Night Lights got to go to a Decemberists show fictional though it may have been.

Friday Night Lights To Faith and Onil: FACE AGAIN!!

1 comment:

Faith said...

I was all set to roll around on the floor with Colin Meloy, too. That buttbag.

You should have included the picture we took of the cancellation notice at Terminal 5.