Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Damn that Bugenhagen!!

Dumb Anna left the hamster cage open on Sunday night while we were shooting off fireworks. That was the first escape for the hamster this week.

Last night while she was out running around the apartment in her ball, she broke free again. The ball broke and the top came off. She was loose and I didn't even notice because I was too enraptured with Neil Jordan's "The Butcher Boy". Who knows how many nooks and crannies are now filled with hamster poop? She was probably going through my underwear drawer and reading my mail and spitting in my food and using my toothbrush and playing with my Star Wars action figures.

I finally found her in the kitchen with Kitty's help. I was looking around the apartment and I noticed Kitty sniffing around Faith's craft desk and running away. Bugenhagen was under the desk scaring the poop out of Kitty. Dumb cat.

Dumb hamster. Dumb Anna. Dumb cat.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend 2007

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend. We didn't do much to celebrate -- but thanks to some dude's op-ed piece, we did think about it a little more.

We did go see Pirates of the Caribbean on Saturday, and that was fun. Our original plan was to go to the midnight showing in our pajamas, but Disney messed up our plans for that by releasing it on Thursday afternoon or something. Jackasses. Anyway, we did that, and we grilled, and we went out for ice cream, and we shot off some fireworks on Sunday night. It wasn't a nonstop thrill ride, like our weekends usually are, but we all enjoyed ourselves. Here are some pictures, and a link to not one but two videos on You Tube! Yay!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next up: Faith's birthday! WHOOOOOOOOOO!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Free Comic Book Day 2007

So it was free comic book day again this year. This is maybe our third year going to it. We used to go to all of the comic book stores in New York City until we realized 1) Midtown Comics always gives you the most stuff (see Exhibit A), and 2) all of the stores have the same comics they're giving away anyway. It's not like you get different stuff from different stores. At least, not different enough to make it worth your while running all over Manhattan and spending a fortune in subway fare.

We also went to see Spider-Man 3, which blew. What makes its suckage even sadder is that it had the most awesome villain of all time, Venom, who totally rocks the microphone correct, and the movie STILL managed to suck rocks. All in all, an underwhelming day.

Exhibit A:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Midtown Comics:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Dorks and their comics:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Knoebels Opening Day 2007

Oh yeah! It was totally opening day at Knoebels again, and we were there! We had a great time. Here's a picture of us on Twister, one of the two big roller coasters at the park.

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We always try to make faces at the camera -- usually I pretend I'm asleep or bored or picking my nose or something. We all had hoodies on, so I had the brilliant idea of turning them around and putting our hoods up for the picture. Actually, Anna, Amy and I had our hoods up the whole time, but Onil didn't because he's a big baby. We had to yell at him to get him to do it. That's me in the blue, Anna in the yellow, Onil in the black and Amy in the stripes.

Onil made a video of our day there and I put it on You Tube this morning. You Tube always makes these videos of ours all herky jerky so it's not the best quality. But you get the drift. It was a really overcast day -- it looks like it's about to pour the whole time. But it looks worse than it was. It was actually pretty pleasant and didn't rain once. And the grey skies kept the crowds away. Yay!

Our theme this year was camouflage. The hillbillies in Pennsylvania lurrrrrve certain kinds of clothing, camouflage being one of them. So Onil surreptitiously took pictures of people in camouflage clothing all day. You'll notice a few in the video. You'll also see pictures of us that are half cut off -- that's because the real focus of the shot was the people in the background in camies. The girls and I were just there to pretend like he was taking a picture of us. Last year, the theme was American flag clothing.

Click here for our You Tube video!