Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Damn that Bugenhagen!!

Dumb Anna left the hamster cage open on Sunday night while we were shooting off fireworks. That was the first escape for the hamster this week.

Last night while she was out running around the apartment in her ball, she broke free again. The ball broke and the top came off. She was loose and I didn't even notice because I was too enraptured with Neil Jordan's "The Butcher Boy". Who knows how many nooks and crannies are now filled with hamster poop? She was probably going through my underwear drawer and reading my mail and spitting in my food and using my toothbrush and playing with my Star Wars action figures.

I finally found her in the kitchen with Kitty's help. I was looking around the apartment and I noticed Kitty sniffing around Faith's craft desk and running away. Bugenhagen was under the desk scaring the poop out of Kitty. Dumb cat.

Dumb hamster. Dumb Anna. Dumb cat.

1 comment:

Faith said...

You forgot "Dumb Onil" -- I'm disconnecting the DVD player and suspending the Netflix account.