Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Knoebels Opening Day 2007

Oh yeah! It was totally opening day at Knoebels again, and we were there! We had a great time. Here's a picture of us on Twister, one of the two big roller coasters at the park.

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We always try to make faces at the camera -- usually I pretend I'm asleep or bored or picking my nose or something. We all had hoodies on, so I had the brilliant idea of turning them around and putting our hoods up for the picture. Actually, Anna, Amy and I had our hoods up the whole time, but Onil didn't because he's a big baby. We had to yell at him to get him to do it. That's me in the blue, Anna in the yellow, Onil in the black and Amy in the stripes.

Onil made a video of our day there and I put it on You Tube this morning. You Tube always makes these videos of ours all herky jerky so it's not the best quality. But you get the drift. It was a really overcast day -- it looks like it's about to pour the whole time. But it looks worse than it was. It was actually pretty pleasant and didn't rain once. And the grey skies kept the crowds away. Yay!

Our theme this year was camouflage. The hillbillies in Pennsylvania lurrrrrve certain kinds of clothing, camouflage being one of them. So Onil surreptitiously took pictures of people in camouflage clothing all day. You'll notice a few in the video. You'll also see pictures of us that are half cut off -- that's because the real focus of the shot was the people in the background in camies. The girls and I were just there to pretend like he was taking a picture of us. Last year, the theme was American flag clothing.

Click here for our You Tube video!

1 comment:

Lita said...

Indeed, this is the comic for you: http://cu.nniling.us/c249.html