Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good thing! Bad thing!

Good thing: Yesterday was my birthday. Yay! It was pretty quiet. Faith and I went to see Cloverfield (it blew! 9/11 porn, nothing else). Faith's sister Jeanne made a tasty tasty banana cream pie.

Here is me looking grumpy in front of my birthday pie.

Bad thing: Totally failed my driver's license test. Boo!! Stupid parallel parking!! Parallel parking can eat it! Now I have to wait another 3 weeks before I can take the test again.

1 comment:

Faith said...

My favorite thing about Cloverfield was sitting with you and poining out all of the NYC inaccuracies that we saw. For instance, what bodega gives out paper bags with handles? Why was the F train going over the Manhattan Bridge? What subway workers' break room has two fully-stocked, brand new vending machines? And why were they stocked with loads of water and not orange or grape soda? There were probably a million more inaccuracies but I can't think of them right now.

Your pal,
"Central Park"